Binge Eating Therapy

can't stop binge eating at night

Friday Q & A- I can’t stop binge eating at night, help!

Question: Submitted via email by Theresa in Marrero, Louisiana At least once or twice a week, late at night I binge eat.  I feel as if I cannot stop and it’s everything unhealthy that I can get my hands on.  Afterwards I feel horrible about myself, worthless.  I am 50 years old and up until five years ago weight was never really an issue with me.  Going through menopause and making the big “5-0″……is terribly depressing not to mention the

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Fight the Urge to Binge Eat

How to Fight the Urge to Binge Eat

“Just because I want it doesn’t mean I have to have it. ” Is a mantra that can be tremendously helpful in fighting binge eating. So often, people believe that they need to satisfy their urges immediately. And why not? We live in a world where instant gratification is the norm. The media sells directly to our compulsive sides because the feeling of wanting can be painful.  It is okay to want. But just because you want, just because you

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approach someone who I think might

Friday Q&A– How do approach someone who I think might have an eating disorder?

Question: Submitted via email by Ronni in Boca Raton, FL. I have a friend who I’m pretty sure is bulimic. She lives in my dorm and I know she’s bingeing and purging, but I don’t know what to do about it. I’m afraid that she’ll get mad at me if I say anything. I used to binge and purge all the time, but I haven’t done it since high school and I’d die if anyone knew, so I think that

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How to talk to your partner about your eating disorder

How to talk to your partner about your eating disorder

It is so  common that someone comes into my office who is suffering terribly with bulimia or binge eating disorder but they haven’t told their boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife. There are some people who are in new relationships and don’t feel comfortable or ready to disclose that information yet. However,  there are many more people who have been married ten years or more and have been suffering terribly with bulimia or binge eating disorder or other eating disorders the whole time.  If you

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eating actually constitutes a binge

Friday Q & A- How do I know if what I’m eating actually constitutes a binge?

Question: Submitted via email from Rachel in Wilmington, NC Sometimes I’m not sure if I’m actually bingeing.  How do I know if a binge is really a binge?  Last night I thought that I had binged. I ate two apples and two slices of toast after dinner. I was furious with myself, but my husband said that it wasn’t a binge. It felt like a binge because I wasn’t hungry. I was just grabbing food for no reason. But my

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Hypnosis for Binge Eating, Bulimia and other Eating Disorders

Hypnosis for Binge Eating, Bulimia and other Eating Disorders

Hypnosis For Binge Eating– $12.99 for download Millions of people suffer with Binge Eating. If you fit into that category, this session can help you to get control over the impulse to binge. It will help you to recognize that you are stronger than the urge to binge. Although that urge can feel overwhelming, you are ultimately in charge and this session will help you remember that. This will help you to be more in control so that you can

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good thing becomes a bad thing

Compulsive Exercise–When too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing

So many people come into my office not just dealing with compulsive eating issues, but with compulsive exercise issues. But how do you know when exercise is compulsive rather than just healthy? Ask yourself these questions: 1.)Do you get upset or anxious if you can’t exercise every single day? 2.)Do you forgo social invitations in order to exercise? 3.)Do you make sure that you always exercise on vacations or trips away? 4.)Do you exercise when you’re sick or injured? 5.)Do

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I Can't Diet, How Can I Lose Weight?

Friday Q&A- If I Can’t Diet, How Can I Lose Weight?

Question: Submitted via email by Jen in Glasgow, KY On your site, you say that dieting is a bad thing. But what about those of us who actually have weight that they need to lose? How the **** am I supposed to lose weight without dieting? Answer: Hi Jen, I understand why you are confused. On one hand, the whole world is encouraging all different kinds of diets, yet a small contingent are telling you not to diet. My question

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Binge Eating When You're Tired

Binge Eating When You’re Tired

We are a chronically sleep deprived society. And with sleep deprivation often comes binge eating. For several reasons. First off, our defenses are down, so we can’t think about what we need, so we grab at the thing that always nurtures us immediately and consistently. Another reason is that we are so spent that we are looking for quick energy and we hope that food will do that for us. Another reason is that people tend to be more anxious

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End Fat Talk Week

End Fat Talk Week

[youtube=] It is End Fat Talk Week! YAY! Once upon a time, a bunch of sorority girls from Delta Delta Delta decided that they were sick of the question, “do these jeans make my butt look big?”  and decided to take action by promoting positive body image to all women. What is fat talk? Fat talk is what happens when women get together and begin to bond and seek reassurance from each other with conversations that revolve around diets, how

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What is a safe food to binge on

Friday Q&A– What is a safe food to binge on?

Question: Submitted via email by Monica in Eugene, OR. If I’m going to binge anyway, what foods are safe to binge on? Monica L. Hi Monica, Well, I guess that the short answer is, there are no safe binge foods. If it’s a binge food, then it’s not safe.  If you are wanting to binge eat, then there is clearly something going on with you. Perhaps you’re hungry and actually need to be nourishing yourself with a meal. Perhaps you

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How do I get rid of negative emotions

Friday Q&A– How do I get rid of negative emotions?

Question: Submitted via email by Sarah in San Francisco, CA Can you tell me how to get rid of negative emotions? Like, first off, my boyfriend and I broke up over 5 months ago, but I can’t stop thinking about  him. He doesn’t want to get back together but  I can’t stop calling him. I’ve been  drinking and binge eating almost every night. I’ll get totally trashed by myself, then order a whole pizza or Chinese Food and binge on

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Postponing a Binge

Postponing a Binge

There are times when you will be about to binge or trying to convince yourself that you won’t binge if you just let yourself have this one thing that has historically been a trigger food. Stop. Before you do anything, ask yourself, “am I hungry?” If you are, let yourself eat a protein dense food. If you’re not, if you’re just wanting to eat, tell yourself that you are absolutely allowed to go and binge, but you are going to

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Understanding Hunger

Understanding Hunger

In order to carry out the processes that keep your body alive, your body needs to be fed (given fuel). Thus, your body is in a continual state of hunger  which can be quickly relieved by  eating. Having food present in your GI tract neutralizes the feeling of hunger which helps you to feel calm both physically and emotionally. Once your body metabolizes this food and utilizes it to carry out the functions that it needs to survive,  you feel

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your questions

Send me your questions!

I will be starting a Q&A Friday. Send me any questions you might have about eating disorders, recovery, therapy, binge eating or compulsive eating, body image issues, bulimia, or anything else that falls into that category. I will do my best to answer. Email all questions to: leora (at) leorafulvio (dot) com.

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reminder of why you shouldn't diet

Just a reminder of why you shouldn’t diet…

watch?v=M6wJl37N9C0 Today I spent the afternoon at a presentation by Andrea’s Voice author Doris Smeltzer.  Ms. Smeltzer lost her 19 year old daughter, Andrea,  to bulimia 11 years ago and now has a book and foundation dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. Andrea’s eating disorder began as a regular old diet that lots of 19 year olds wind up doing when they start college. Diets, of course can be deadly. And for so many reasons. There’s the

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Do The Next Right Thing

Do The Next Right Thing

“Do The Next Right Thing,” a phrase borrowed from 12 step programs is an invaluable piece of advice. We can’t always do the right thing, but we can sit down, take stock of where we are, and do the next right thing. It might have been a terrible night. You might have drank a liter of vodka, ate 2 entire pizzas, drunk dialed your ex and cried to his voice mail multiple times. It might not be so dire, your

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What's on Your Plate

What’s on Your Plate?

Fritz Perls, who developed Gestalt Therapy, encouraged us to understand the way we eat as a metaphor for the way we live. At your next meal, watch yourself eat. Do it without judgment and without trying to change anything, just watch.  It can be enlightening to draw some parallels around how you eat and how you live. Do you take in all of your food at once without smelling it, tasting it, chewing it? Do you do that with life?

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How To Stop Procrastinating

How To Stop Procrastinating

As I mentioned in my last post, stress eating is a result of one of two things. 1.) You have no control over the outcome of something, such as  getting laid off or dealing with someone else’s reaction to something you said or did. 2.)You do have control over something, such as paying your bills or cleaning your house, but you can’t seem to get yourself to do it. In the last post, I discussed ways to soothe yourself as

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ways to cope with stress without food

How to beat stress eating– 50 ways to cope with stress without food

If you give a normal person a list of five things to do, they will get started with the first thing on their list. If you give a stress eater a list with five things to do, they will get started by running to the refrigerator. Eating becomes a way to deal with procrastination, fatigue, and powerlessness. After all, a big part of stress is really just a belief that you are completely powerless over a situation. Eating is the

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