Binge Eating Therapy

Author name: Leora Fulvio

eating disorder to my daughter

Q & A Friday- How do I explain my eating disorder to my daughter?

I know that I have a huge backlog of questions to answer and you’ll forgive me that I pushed this one to the front. I so rarely get parenting questions and I forget how important they really are. Question: After many, many years of struggle, I am finally trying to seriously recover from my binge eating

Q & A Friday- How do I explain my eating disorder to my daughter? Read More »

Turned into Binge Days

Friday Q & A- Cheat Days Have Turned into Binge Days

Question: My name is Elizabeth. I am from Australia and have been struggling with binge eating just over 6 months now. It started when I competed as a Fitness Model– I was on a very restrictive diet and was allowed “cheat meals” once per week- these cheat meals became binges. After my comp the cheat

Friday Q & A- Cheat Days Have Turned into Binge Days Read More »

diet for my graduation

Friday Q & A- I’m trying to diet for my graduation, but I can’t stop bingeing

Question: I’ve been trying to be on a diet under 1200 calories a day so that I can look good during my graduation which is two weeks away. For the past few weeks I’ve been exercising on an average of  four days a week and trying to keep my calorie intake in check. But this

Friday Q & A- I’m trying to diet for my graduation, but I can’t stop bingeing Read More »

pregnant but I can’t stop binge eating

Q&A Friday- I want to get pregnant but I can’t stop binge eating

  Just a note, I’m working through my backlog of questions. If you’ve emailed me a question and haven’t heard back, please don’t think I’m ignoring you… I’ll get to it!  Hi, I have been binge eating for a good 10 years and my weight has fluctuated up and down about 10kgs. I know that

Q&A Friday- I want to get pregnant but I can’t stop binge eating Read More »

food is overpowering

Friday Q & A- I feel that food is overpowering my life

Question: Hi, I stumbled upon your website and figured I’d shoot you an email. I’m 24, and my relationship with food is absolutely horrific. I find that for several months I can stick to an eating plan (such as weight watchers) get down to a normal weight for myself, become incredibly happy, until I fall

Friday Q & A- I feel that food is overpowering my life Read More »