Binge Eating Therapy

Author name: Leora Fulvio

Claiming Yourself

Review of Reclaiming Yourself by Joanna Poppink

Joanna Poppink,  Los Angeles based Eating Disorder Therapist and author of Healing Your Hungry Heart wrote a wonderful review of my new book that I’d like to share:   Leora Fulvio takes the mystery out of binge eating in her wonderful new book, Reclaiming Yourself From Binge Eating:  A Step-by-Step Guide to Healing  and offers practical and

Review of Reclaiming Yourself by Joanna Poppink Read More »

can’t stop bingeing

Friday (Er- I mean Sunday) Q&A- I can’t stop bingeing- No Matter what I try!

As I said previously, I’m catching up on several months of questions. I’ve got two babies at home (one very new and one a young toddler) and my new book will be released in less than 3 weeks, so that’s been taking up  any second I have that’s not either nursing a baby or chasing

Friday (Er- I mean Sunday) Q&A- I can’t stop bingeing- No Matter what I try! Read More »

stop binge eating

Friday Q & A- I’ve tried everything to stop binge eating but I can’t

Question: Two years ago I was diagnosed with BED. Since, its only gotten worse. Especially these last 6 months. I’ve gone no more than 3 days in a row without binging. My binges are extreme: I mean eating until the point of illness. Stealing food from my housemates. Eating from a garbage. Spending bill money on

Friday Q & A- I’ve tried everything to stop binge eating but I can’t Read More »

How to Support National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

It’s that time again! National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. What is NEDAwareness Week and why is it important you ask? I’m glad you asked.  Bringing focus to eating disorders is more than just showing support for those who are struggling with anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder.  The intention here is to show just how

How to Support National Eating Disorder Awareness Week Read More »