Binge Eating Therapy

Author name: Leora Fulvio

I’m Really Impressed by The Blond Vegan

If you’ve been following eating disorder news or blogosphere foodies at all, you know the story about the blond vegan. If you don’t, I’ll give you a quick recap. A young woman, Jordan Younger, who has been a prolific instagrammer and blogger had spent a year photographing her beautiful vegan meals, her exercise feats, and […]

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Myths about Fat or “Obese” Women

Top Ten Myths about Fat or “Obese” Women

I’m really sick of hearing people talk about how if so and so knew what she was doing to her health, she would just stop eating and start exercising, or why can’t so and so stop eating, or so and so is setting such a bad example for her children.  Let’s set the record straight.

Top Ten Myths about Fat or “Obese” Women Read More »

Recover From Binge Eating

Is it Possible to Recover From Binge Eating Disorder on Your Own?

I received an email from a woman who is currently reading my book and she asked me the question, “do you think it’s possible to reach recovery on my own?” It’s a really good question and one that I thought should be discussed in more depth on the blog. I know what the reader means

Is it Possible to Recover From Binge Eating Disorder on Your Own? Read More »

Eating and Mindful Eating

Ten Differences Between Compulsive Eating and Mindful Eating

It’s not super easy to recognize when you are eating compulsively. Sometimes we get so entrenched in our habits and our lives that we just forget about taking time to really nurture ourselves.  Food and eating becomes habitual, mindless, and unhealthy. Of course it’s normal that you are not going to be eating mindfully all

Ten Differences Between Compulsive Eating and Mindful Eating Read More »

Binge Eating Disorder

Ten Myths About Binge Eating Disorder

1. All binge eaters are obese Completely untrue. In fact most of the people I see in my practice are considered a “normal weight.”  Food is their drug and bingeing is something they do in private and something people will go at lengths to hide, including maintaining a normal weight. In fact, I’ve  had clients

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