Binge Eating Therapy

binge eating

How to Support National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

It’s that time again! National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. What is NEDAwareness Week and why is it important you ask? I’m glad you asked.  Bringing focus to eating disorders is more than just showing support for those who are struggling with anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder.  The intention here is to show just how […]

How to Support National Eating Disorder Awareness Week Read More »

eating disorder to my daughter

Q & A Friday- How do I explain my eating disorder to my daughter?

I know that I have a huge backlog of questions to answer and you’ll forgive me that I pushed this one to the front. I so rarely get parenting questions and I forget how important they really are. Question: After many, many years of struggle, I am finally trying to seriously recover from my binge eating

Q & A Friday- How do I explain my eating disorder to my daughter? Read More »

Turned into Binge Days

Friday Q & A- Cheat Days Have Turned into Binge Days

Question: My name is Elizabeth. I am from Australia and have been struggling with binge eating just over 6 months now. It started when I competed as a Fitness Model– I was on a very restrictive diet and was allowed “cheat meals” once per week- these cheat meals became binges. After my comp the cheat

Friday Q & A- Cheat Days Have Turned into Binge Days Read More »

diet for my graduation

Friday Q & A- I’m trying to diet for my graduation, but I can’t stop bingeing

Question: I’ve been trying to be on a diet under 1200 calories a day so that I can look good during my graduation which is two weeks away. For the past few weeks I’ve been exercising on an average of  four days a week and trying to keep my calorie intake in check. But this

Friday Q & A- I’m trying to diet for my graduation, but I can’t stop bingeing Read More »

home for the holiday

Going home for the holidays when you’re dealing with binge eating disorder or bulimia

During my first semester of grad school, right before  Thanksgiving break, my Human Development professor asked for a show of hands as to how many people were heading home for the holidays. After about half the class raised their hands, he looked at us and said, “Listen, I don’t care how long you’ve been in

Going home for the holidays when you’re dealing with binge eating disorder or bulimia Read More »

Office Christmas Parties

Office Christmas Parties, Gift Baskets, Luncheons, etc.- How to Survive These Things with an Eating Disorder

The whole month of December can be awful for someone with eating issues. First off, there’s the plethora of parties that are going on as well the cookie exchanges and the office luncheon. Then there are gift baskets full of food everywhere, there are chocolates sitting in the office kitchen, bowls of peppermint bark and

Office Christmas Parties, Gift Baskets, Luncheons, etc.- How to Survive These Things with an Eating Disorder Read More »

pregnant but I can’t stop binge eating

Q&A Friday- I want to get pregnant but I can’t stop binge eating

  Just a note, I’m working through my backlog of questions. If you’ve emailed me a question and haven’t heard back, please don’t think I’m ignoring you… I’ll get to it!  Hi, I have been binge eating for a good 10 years and my weight has fluctuated up and down about 10kgs. I know that

Q&A Friday- I want to get pregnant but I can’t stop binge eating Read More »