Binge Eating Therapy

binge eating

food is overpowering

Friday Q & A- I feel that food is overpowering my life

Question: Hi, I stumbled upon your website and figured I’d shoot you an email. I’m 24, and my relationship with food is absolutely horrific. I find that for several months I can stick to an eating plan (such as weight watchers) get down to a normal weight for myself, become incredibly happy, until I fall […]

Friday Q & A- I feel that food is overpowering my life Read More »

Successful Thanksgiving without Binge Eating

15 Steps to Having a Successful Thanksgiving without Binge Eating

Thanksgiving can be a nightmare for anyone dealing with binge eating, bulimia or other compulsive eating issues.  For many people, being around the stress of family coupled with giant amounts of food can be a recipe for acting out excessively with food.  Be prepared before you go to Thanksgiving Dinner. 1.)Have an intention around food

15 Steps to Having a Successful Thanksgiving without Binge Eating Read More »

obsessed with food

Friday Q & A- Help, I’m obsessed with food

Question: Help! I saw your blog and realized that a lot of my odd habits have to do with my unhealthy association with food, but I do not know how to stop it. I am constantly thinking about food, looking for food, and seeing where I can get free food. When I’m at work, I look for places

Friday Q & A- Help, I’m obsessed with food Read More »

Halloween This Year

How about Sexy Einstein for Halloween This Year?

Halloween is challenging for people with eating issues for the obvious reasons- all the candy and partying everywhere. But there is also the fact that for many women, Halloween is a time to put on their sexiest outfits and throw on some horns and be a “sexy devil,” or a “sexy cat,” or a “sexy

How about Sexy Einstein for Halloween This Year? Read More »