Binge Eating Therapy

Author name: Leora Fulvio

stop Binge Eating on Weekends

Q & A Friday- How can I stop Binge Eating on Weekends?

This question comes to us from Sarah in New York.    Leora,   I just can’t seem to want to take care of myself all the time.  It’s just easier to not think about whether or not I’m hungry, so if I’m stressed, or particularly tired, or angry at the world, that’s what I do.  Things are

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Girls Get Eating Disorders

Only Rich White Girls Get Eating Disorders

I tend to shy away from talking about what I do for a living when meeting someone in social situations like at parties or on an airplane. The phrase “I am a psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders,” is met with either awkward silence, or uncomfortable reactions such as, “I wish I had an

Only Rich White Girls Get Eating Disorders Read More »

Eating Disorder

Going Home For the Holidays When you Have an Eating Disorder

In my first semester of graduate school, right before we left for Thanksgiving break, one of my professors asked who was headed home for the break. Most of us raised our hands. “Well,” he said, “I don’t care how much therapy you’ve had, I don’t care how much you meditate, I don’t care how much

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