Comments on: How to Talk to a Loved One with an Eating Disorder Help for binge eating, bulimia, obsessive dieting and body image issues Fri, 09 Feb 2024 11:52:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jam Wed, 18 Sep 2013 00:25:00 +0000 My fiancĂ© and I are new adults still living with our parents, going to college, working entry level jobs, that type of stuff. She has a binge eating problem and lots of self confidence problems. I think I do well helping. I have some different problems myself and I understand doing things (or not) and not understanding and feeling blamed by other people hurts because you already blame yourself but you don’t know how you got to be at fault or how to fix it just that you are at fault and people are attacking you for it. I can help her calm down and when I’m around it’s usually ok, but we live far apart and it’s hard when she’s binging on the phone with me and even with my most politic talking I can’t make her stop. She says she doesn’t want to and eating is a chore but she has to so she’ll never binge again. I don’t care if she loses weight or not. I could even live with her having a physically unhealthy lifestyle as long as she loved every second of it fully. I just want her to get on with her life and live it with passion instead of living the life of thinking about food and waiting to be freed. Maybe it’s also because I’m waiting to be freed too and I need motivation. But we can’t move forward with our lives until we’re better.

By: Tyler Thu, 21 Feb 2013 02:16:59 +0000 In reply to Tyler.

Actually, she has become so focused on school and theater that she as basically stopped.

By: Tyler Thu, 07 Feb 2013 01:10:33 +0000 Hi, I’m Tyler and I am 16 years old. I have been with my girlfriend for 9 months and she is binge eating. I want her to stop, but I feel like I’m always just digging my own grave in trying to stop her. I don’t want to go to anyone, because I don’t want her to feel as though I am attacking her through other people. She has told me that she doesn’t want to stop because she likes the control she has over her body, although she says she knows its unhealthy, wrong, and stupid. She did stop for a while, and lost 6 lbs healthily. I was so proud of her, but recently, she gained it back. Now she is starting all over again with her ED. I really want to help in any way I can. I am scared for her health and I feel like its putting a block on our relationship. Please help me…

By: Leora Fulvio Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:56:57 +0000 In reply to Justin.

Justin, I’m so sorry that you and your wife going through this. I would highly recommend that the two of you get into couples counseling with a Marriage & Familty Therapist or Psychologist who specializes in treating eating disorders. You can find one at EDReferral.
If your wife refuses, explain to her that this is for you to help you cope with her eating disorder because you don’t know how to handle it. If she still refuses, I would encourage you to go alone and talk to someone. Your wife’s bulimia is not your fault and sadly, you cannot fix it. She’s the only one who can take the initiative to do that. What you can do is tell her that you love her and that you’re there for her. You can tell her how hard it is to watch her suffer. You can tell her how scared you are that you are going to lose her. You can tell her that you will do anything to support her. You can ask her what she needs and how you can be there for her. By being honest about your feelings and talking to her in “I” statements (I feel scared/sad/nervous…etc.) and allowing yourself to be vulnerable and your feelings to be heard, you allow your wife to be less defensive. She then has the freedom to talk about what she’s feeling without being afraid of being chastised or forced to do something that she doesn’t want to.

By: Justin Wed, 22 Aug 2012 02:11:59 +0000 I dont know what to do.. My wife and i have been maried for a little over a month. She used to have an eating disorder but had a good hold on it. But recently I got laid off and had trouble finding another job. During this time I was emotionally distant to her, and I honestly didn’t mean to be. But now she is purging again. I asked her if she wanted to get help. She down right said no. I even decided to quit smoking so we could do it together. But still no. She looks at me with a blank stare and said “No. I dont want to stop.” She has already purged three time in the last two days, and I know it is going to get worse. I need advice. I dont know what to do.

By: Leora Fulvio Sun, 20 Nov 2011 19:36:13 +0000 In reply to Steven.

Hi Steven, I would suggest that you and your girlfriend see a family counselor who specializes in treating eating disorders for a psychoeducation session. This way she or he can help you to understand more about what your girlfriend is going through and your girlfriend can express her specific needs to you so that you can give her the help that she needs and you can take care of yourself in a healthful way. Often it’s hard for partners because they feel as though they are losing themselves while trying to save their loved one. It’s important that you talk to someone yourself in order not to lose yourself into her ED. Check out ED referral to find someone in your area who can give and your girlfriend some individual attention.

By: Steven Sun, 20 Nov 2011 01:14:15 +0000 I need help understanding eating disorders…My wonderful girlfriend has a eating disorder and i have never delt with anything like this b4…I am tring to understand but it is soooo hard..anyhelp would be very helpful plz help
