Comments on: I Can’t Stop Eating Carbs! Help for binge eating, bulimia, obsessive dieting and body image issues Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:03:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Binge Eating Therapy Mon, 08 Jul 2019 04:40:00 +0000 In reply to DeplorableInIN.

Thank you for this well thought out, kind and well researched answer. This is not an article that debates whether or not ketogenic diets work nor to debate the merits of it. This is a blog specifically for people who suffer from eating disorders and restricted eating or intentional weight loss are both contraindicated in all eating disorder recovery. Diets for someone recovering from eating disorders are like vodka for someone recovering from alcoholism. Please note the audience rather than spewing hate filled words because you lost weight on a particular diet. Your diet is not about anyone who needs to recover from an eating disorder and your juvenile vitriol is only being used to create shame and to belittle. It’s very silly that people see their diets in such dogma that it becomes religion and they get angry at anyone who has had a different experience than them. Your experience is just that. Your experience. You cannot decide that because something was good for you that it will be good for another human being.

By: DeplorableInIN Fri, 17 Aug 2018 20:02:00 +0000 This article is such complete garbage. I’m in my 3rd month of Keto. No carb binges. No snacking. Lost 20 lbs, incredible energy, I exercise every day unless I’m too sore (I’m 44). Huge increase in mental clarity. Within 2 weeks I stopped taking multiple meds, including Ambien, which I had been a prisoner to for years. Don’t listen to this clown. Find good Keto or other low carb channels on YouTube and start changing your life for the better.

By: ida review Fri, 08 Feb 2013 12:58:44 +0000 In reply to Leora Fulvio.

that’s class. 🙂

By: Nasser Wed, 13 Jun 2012 06:57:32 +0000 you are 200% right in everything you mentioned regarding restricting your carbs intake !!.. I’m going through cycles of losing & gaining weight (happens again & again) due to carbs restriction !!.. very informative article



I kinda undergo the same situation because I planned to get 6 pack ABS in one summer & still strugging on how to get back to it. The auther her is providing us the solution.

Wish you the best

By: Marine Tue, 22 May 2012 14:57:57 +0000 Omg. The same thing is happening to me. I lost about 20 kilos (I went from 85 kilos to 65) this summer in a low-carb diet. I succeeded with the first go although it was very difficult and it needed a lot of willpower and support. If I remember correctly the first 5-7 days I was sleeping all day. I was depressed, in a bad mood and didn’t have any energy to deal with anything. After the 5-7 days, I woke up one morning and it was as if all of this was gone, I was feeling great. I wasn’t depressed and I was always in a great mood! On top of that my exercise results doubled. I could do 2 times more of what I barely could do when I was eating low-carbs. I also noticed changes in my brain functionality; I could definitely concentrate faster and deeper to things and it always felt like it was ”charged” with a lot of energy but at the same time I was calm and could think things over in a whole other way. All in all, lost 20 kilos and I felt the healthier I’ve ever had. Then comes September when I have to dinner outside. I said to myself that it would be the reward for my success and that one serving of pasta wouldn’t change anything. When I got home I ate a lot of bread and other high carb foods. I was still thinking as if it was a reward. Next day I still ate carbs. And the day after that and it so went on. After 1 week of uncontrollably eating carbs, I said to myself that there is no need for myself to go on that stupid diet again since I lost all that weight. After 7 months of trying to get back to it (seriously I tried every day) I haven’t succeeded and on top of that I gained 30 kilos (now weighing 95 kilos). Every time I try to start the diet I get really depressed and stop. I don’t even know what to do I just keep eating this stuff. And as I type this message right here, I’m eating a bowl of cereals with a lot of sugar and Nesquik 🙁

By: Leora Fulvio Wed, 16 May 2012 21:03:53 +0000 In reply to cariad.

Thanks so much for this comment. And you for sure are not the only person who goes through this exact process. (Though perhaps you feel alone).

I have a few questions for you. First, are you sure that you’re actually eating enough?

Second, are you eating enough protein during the day?

Third, (and most important) have you seen a doctor and specifically gotten your blood sugar tested? The symptoms that you describe sound very hypoglycemic or somehow blood sugar related. I’m not a physician, so you shouldn’t take my opinion as anything other than an educated guess, but I’d really, really encourage you to see a doctor and get a referral to a nutritionist to help you figure out what is happening with your body/food/moods. They’re all interrelated.

By: cariad Wed, 16 May 2012 19:06:29 +0000 I desperately want this to be true. It makes logical sense. And yet, its not true for me. I’m in a horrible position, because if I don’t eat carbs I get depressed, but if I do eat carbs, I crave more and more and more, until my eating is out of control. No, it doesn’t matter what type of carbs. It doesn’t help if I only have a small amount (ie, half a cup of oatmeal with my breakfast of eggs). I think something is really messed up in my body. If I eat an apple, even if I have something with it, some nuts or some cheese or some Greek yogurt, I’m starving and shaky less than an hour later, and I will crave carbs madly the rest of the day. It takes me three days off carbs to stop the cravings. But they are such powerful cravings that I find it almost impossible to get through the three days. I’m really at the end of my tether with food. I have tried everything – vegan, low carb, wheat & dairy free, intuitive eating, low GI, low fat. Nothing suits me. I know that there is a strong element of emotional eating going on, but it isnt just that, because if I stay off carbs, I can absolutley control my eating, no matter how stressed/anxious I am. Carbs set off a vicious circle for me, and yet without them I plunge into depression. What do you do about that?!

By: Leora Fulvio Mon, 23 Apr 2012 01:25:07 +0000 In reply to katcha.

Do you mean that eating whole food carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables can trigger a binge on processed carbs? If that’s what you’re saying, I would believe that the problem isn’t in the whole foods, but the problem is binge eating disorder. If you are a binge eater, you will binge on anything, even apples or garbanzo beans or tofu or meat. The problem comes when you have a belief (magical thinking) that one macronutrient will trigger a binge. Before agrarian society, people weren’t hunting and gathering blueberries then turning around and binge eating loaves of bread. That is largely a problem of “food” processing and chemicals in our foods. So where I do agree that eating chemically processed foods and sugar laden things can be a big contributor in binge eating, I think that if you are eating apples or squash then bingeing on cake, it’s probably more about a message that you’ve sent yourself that you can’t eat these things without triggering a binge. There’s no nutrients in a piece of cake, it’s empty calories, so your body will need more and more and more. A fruit or vegetable is filled with vitamins and fiber, so there is a greater chance that the nutritional needs of your body is met so that you’re not needing to binge to meet those needs.

By: katcha Sat, 21 Apr 2012 12:56:56 +0000 but how about carbs from fruits and vegetables and still having binge episodes on bread, cakes, poridge, rice, rice-cakes.simply everything with some dough or similar???

By: Leora Fulvio Sun, 15 Apr 2012 20:49:07 +0000 In reply to Freddie.

Thanks for your comment, but do you care to elaborate?

I’m all for lively debate and differences in opinion, but I definitely need more than this to go on!
