Comments on: How To Recover From A Binge Help for binge eating, bulimia, obsessive dieting and body image issues Mon, 13 Mar 2017 17:49:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda @ Fit Fed and Happy | th Mon, 13 Mar 2017 17:49:00 +0000 Thank you so much for this 🙂 I struggled with BED: and I can’t begin to explain the post-binge shame and guilt.

By: Blair Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:58:07 +0000 I love this. I binged last night. And I want to over come it the right way. I haven’t binge ate in 2 months. And it is definitely related to emotional things. It’s crazy though because it all happens so fast. And now I feel so stuffed. Even the next morning. I am drinking a lot of water. And my stomach is in a lot of pain because i ate gluten and dairy. So I get an allergic reaction to it. This time it’s not throwing up. It’s just the other way. Because of eating too much. To the point that it hurts. I do have a food log and diary. And I am getting help. Love the article thank you!

By: Ep 0020 – Will you still love me when I F-up? or ‘How to come back from a bad eating day’ | Compulsive Overeating Diary | Living With Binge Eating Disorder Wed, 19 Mar 2014 02:55:41 +0000 […] How To Recover From A Binge I like this article and checklist of ways to get over a binge by Leora Fulvio. Probably worth a bookmark, if you struggle with binge eating, like me. […]

By: Ugly duckling Wed, 04 Dec 2013 16:50:11 +0000 Hello

Your post is very helpful. I had those crisis every time I go back home and I always feel so terrible unfortunately I can’t purge myself so my weight is always fluctuating that’s what’s driving me crazy. I tried everything but everyone on an emotional state and food is around I just eat and binge for hours until my stomach hurts. Especially because I’m a vegetarian and sometimes I binge on dairy and meat which I’m intolerant to. It’s so hard I feel so disgusting I just had another crisis but at the same time there’s nothing I can do . I hope I can find a way to overcome this and be me again

It’s so hard when you set up principles then break them. It’s like when you’re an alcoholic . I had this lat month two major crisis which were so bad and had something to do wih my weight gain. It’s horrible because I used to be skinny now I’m not I wish I wasn’t home the whole time. I only get these crisis when I get back home probably the level of energy is too low and negative . I really want to beat that up and be myself again. Probably be back in my independent life will help .

By: Mental Disorders 101 Fri, 06 Aug 2010 08:40:59 +0000 How Do I Recover From A Binge? « Recover…

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