Comments on: Friday Q & A- I am stuck in a cycle of bingeing and dieting Help for binge eating, bulimia, obsessive dieting and body image issues Fri, 09 Feb 2024 06:48:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: SOS Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:13:18 +0000 First, thank you for taking the time to do this. It is very difficult to find help.

I have been, anorexic, overweight, exercise addict, and now I am binge eating without purging. Yes, I have been a constant dieter and my latest choice: hcg diet injections.

I started this bad cycle after I trained/completed for marathon and half walk . I have all exercise and controlled my weight with it. However, I hurt my knee then panicked because I couldn’t exercise the the extreme that I was used to. Then, my weight started to fluctuate. So, I tried hcg for instant success. Well, after 5 rounds on this . I learned to not exercise that much and binge eat and not deal with consequences.

We’ll guess what – I stopped my round early and now I have gained a lot within 5 days. Yes, I got nervous because my clothes are tighter , my body is swollen, and I am depressed. So guess what? I decided to eat everything at thanksgiving. So, today I feel guilty, I am fat, feel sick, no energy to exercise , and my grandma just died. In my head, I am thinking that I can’t go to funeral like this. I can’t even fit any thing or look at myself.

How can I get out of this mess. I really don’t know how start to lose and feel good again. Did I mention I only had 10 to lose but now it’s 20 ISH.

