Comments on: How to Avoid a Binge at the Airport Help for binge eating, bulimia, obsessive dieting and body image issues Fri, 09 Feb 2024 06:22:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Get Through Thanksgiving Without Bingeing Mon, 23 Nov 2015 15:41:24 +0000 […] Are you traveling for Thanksgiving? Please read HOW TO AVOID BINGEING AT THE AIRPORT […]

By: sunshine Wed, 26 Dec 2012 17:25:16 +0000 Thanks you! Thank you ! for your reply!! I sure appreciate it more than you know! I definately will keep you updated. I sure appreciate you! Happy Holidays!

By: Leora Fulvio Wed, 26 Dec 2012 05:53:06 +0000 Hi Sunshine,
That’s a good question. I did some research on Weight Watchers, and though I don’t think that dieting and calorie counting is a good idea, I think that Weight Watchers has evolved into a really solid lifestyle support program. Neither plan is restrictive, but the Simply Filling plan advocates whole foods with additional treats. The points plus plan is a bit more calorie counting. The new 360 plan is a lot of planning, tracking, and some mindfulness based approaches. Danica from Danica’s Daily sums is up. Along with the support you will get from inperson meetings or online forums, it doesn’t seem like a bad move to me.

I’m sorry to hear about your relationship. That’s rough. I can see why you would feel very hurt and rejected by his behaviors. I understand why you would turn to food out of loneliness. I think that you mentioned in another post that the two of you were thinking about doing couples counseling. Have you begun that yet? You might look for some support outside of your relationship (ie: friends or support group) to help you find some solidity so that you’re not pushed to food when you feel alone.

Please keep me updated and happy holidays.

By: sunshine Sun, 23 Dec 2012 23:47:58 +0000 Hi! I have a question, please~

What is your take on Weight Watchers? I just am confused what to do, when it comes to eating. Should I count calories, join Weight watchers or what? I do stuggle daily with binge eating. I get so mad at myself for doing it. But I just don’t stop. I am going to download your meditation tapes also. I am female, 5’6 and weight 270#. UUGH!

Sometimes I think I overeat because I don’t get the attention I want from my husband. He doesn’t sleep in bed with me anymore because of my snoring. That really hurts me. We rarely are intimate because I believe he is not that attracted to my body and I guess I can’t blame him. Please help me, I don’t know what to do. I sure wish I had your book to read right about now!! Thanks so much!
