Comments on: The Office Christmas Party, Social Anxiety, Food, Stress, and Binge Eating Help for binge eating, bulimia, obsessive dieting and body image issues Thu, 15 Feb 2024 06:45:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chelsea Tue, 21 Dec 2010 17:39:36 +0000 I like the idea of checking in with someone afterwards. What you said about addressing social anxiety is important, too. I used to struggle with panic attacks and the idea of a big party wouldn’t sound appealing to me. Still, it was important to get out when I could, especially if I promised myself (and meant it) that I only needed to stay X amount of time and was free to go.

By: Who's Raising the Kids Wed, 15 Dec 2010 06:02:26 +0000 The Holidays are a hard hard time for those of us with issues with food. Between all the food being pushed on us and everyone talking about trying not to gain weight. Or better yet starving to lose it its nice to be reminded to take steps to keep on track. Great post…very mindful
