Comments on: Your Rewards are on the Other Side Help for binge eating, bulimia, obsessive dieting and body image issues Thu, 15 Feb 2024 06:00:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cheryl Sun, 31 Jul 2011 19:57:07 +0000 Thank you for the post above, it feels comforting to be reminded that i’m not the only to be dealing with bingeing – not that I take pleasure from anyone else having to deal with it as it’s awful.
I get so confused by my compulsive behaviour. In the past, the urge to binge would present itself and i’d feel powerless to stop it and would always give in. These days I don’t get these urges so often. This would be great except I seem to try and create these urges instead. I will purposely put myself in temptations way, purposely try and get myself into ‘binge mode’ even though I don;t really have a genuine urge to do it. Does that make sense? Dose anyone else do this? I think I know why – I think I’m trying to recreate the ‘high’ that bingeing used to give (but rarely does anymore) I guess I’m still to find a replacement ‘High’.

I feel guilty about the amount I eat as I’m not overweight even though I should be. I get so scared that the time will come when I’m not so lucky and can’t get away with overeating without piling on the weight. I don’t want to get fat.

I just wish I could eat in a healthy, sane way, instead of always thinking about it, always being scared of it, always feeling controlled by it or overpowered by it. I’m not sure I’m ever going to get there?

I feel like no one takes this seriously, because i’m not overweight. They just say ‘you’re not fat so don;t worry about it’. They don’t understand how awful it is to always, always be thinking about food. I think if I’m honest, I hate food, I hate it because I can’t just treat it as fuel or pleasure. It has so much more attached to it, which makes it dangerous to me.

I feel bad for my body, for what I put it through. I overeat and try and compensate by doing intense cardio. my poor body then gets worn out and weary and I have to drag it through the following day. I eat veggies, fruit, wholegrains, lentils and all the good stuff. but also too much of the unhealthy stuff in insane quantities. I truly believe our bodies are our temples. So why do I treat mine so badly?

I would like to get to the point where I am strong enough to walk with my comulsive desires without giving in to them. I think it’s too much to expect them to disappear.

Thanks for reading and being there. Sending love to anyone else who is struggling tonight. x

By: She Recovers Wed, 09 Feb 2011 03:59:59 +0000 First, I want to thank you for this blog. It has given me so much hope and inspiration as well as some really practical advice to help me on my way to recovery.

I really like the idea of creating new synapses in the brain. The action of “fighting through resistance” as an actual practice is so tangible. For me, the thought of overcoming binge eating can be extremely overwhelming, but this is a concrete way that I can start to reverse my brain’s association of bingeing and pleasure. Thanks again!
