Comments on: Friday Q&A– I went from calorie counting to binge eating Help for binge eating, bulimia, obsessive dieting and body image issues Thu, 15 Feb 2024 05:24:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leora Fulvio Fri, 25 May 2012 16:35:08 +0000 In reply to Zey Bingette.

Thank you for sharing your story and I am so sorry that you’re going through this. As Joanna Poppink, Eating Disorder therapist and author says in her book Healing the Hungry Heart, “I can’t take away a client’s eating disorder, I don’t know how and even if I did, I wouldn’t. It’s serving a purpose. To strip her of the eating disorder would leave her exposed and vulnerable to her unbearable fears with no protection…”

That’s the thing about eating disorder recovery, it’s really, really hard. There are antibiotics to take when you have strep throat, but when it comes to eating disorder recovery, the patient has to be a very active participant. They can’t just receive medicine or receive therapy. They have to do most of the work. Sometimes that feels impossible and sometimes it is. I agree with you that it feels hopeless, but I don’t agree that nothing can help with this illness. I have seen a lot of great recovery from a lot of women who have been bingeing and purging for decades. There are not great medications, but of course psyche meds have a long way to go in all aspects of psychiatric disease, so what we’re left with is inner work and outer behavioral work for ED recovery.

By: Zey Bingette Fri, 25 May 2012 12:15:02 +0000 Hey All,

Firstly, I have been battling with this condition since May, 2009. Thus, it feels like it has taken thirty odd years out of me. I am tired and worn-out of counting days. This condition is like a drug. It creeps up onto up then under your skin, you try fighting it off for hours etc. Your advice given is useful; however, as the years go by, you start to realize that you can’t fool yourself like you did the year before. You start to know the ways out of it whether its eating spoonfuls of salt and purging, skipping meals. Even though, we know it’s unhealthy. Yes, we have hope…… Yes, we look forward to tomorrow…….. Yes, we love looking boney and skinny…….. I have been to many specialists. I myself am a health practitioner and it’s sad when a cure hasn’t been found. No meds, nor any kind of therapy can help this illness. It’s just a matter of counting days when we binge again.

Yep, it’s 9:30am and I’ve already consumed in 30min. the things an average adult would consume within a week, mind you I still have the entire day ahead…..

By: amanda Thu, 19 May 2011 09:48:14 +0000 Thank you so much for this website. I have been seeing a psychologist for a couple of years for a number of issues – but at the heart of many of my issues lie my body and control issues.

We have been practising mindfulness but I just haven’t been able to get a lot of help from him on how to step by step deal with my binge eating and body issues – that’s where you and your website have come in.

I love the step by step approach you have given and I think it will be extremely helpful.

thanks again
